lördag 30 augusti 2008

Worst hangover ever

I did something unplanned yesterday, i went out for a beer in a cool place called Janis pub.
It ended with like three tequila , 10 vodka sprite, some beers and worst hangover ever!
But i had a good time.Working day had been pretty bad with a lot of small bugs and errors that made me frustrated so it was pretty relaxing to have some party. And i got to meet some cool people. For example old employees from Mobispine, some others working with computers and a lot ot others i just dont rember i never met. I took some pictures but unfortually my bluetooth is not working so i can't upload any images.
If i get it working i put theme here.

My friends in Sweden went to a cruise with Silja Line. I took a look on the pictures and they seemed to have a good time, but little bit tired the day after. That happens after you pass 30 years of age.

Today we planned to go out as well but it canceled because nobody could come. Probably a good thing because i really need to recover my energy.

Tomorrow the plan is to do some cleaning and some reading. Lets see if i can manage that.

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